Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning
Theme: Designing for a Collaborative Virtual LLC
Growth Phase: Established
Growth Indicator: Virtual LLC is designed to engage learners in participatory learning.

Explore this school’s virtual LLC and you will be inspired by pages such as “experimental learning centre”, book lists, timely family educational links, current VLC projects, and more.
Holy Trinity Elementary School. (2020). Holy Trinity Elementary School Virtual Library Learning Commons. Retrieved from

Peel District School Board Libraries (Ontario) have developed a district wide site Bringing the LLC Home. Teacher-librarians and classroom teachers have developed a wonderful collection of learning provocations presented as interactive choice grids. Templates are provided for educators to make their own grids and submit them for inclusion.
Peel District School Board Libraries. (2020). Bringing the LC Home. Retrieved from

This Ontario junior kindergarten – grade 8 school’s virtual LLC provides timely information and activities for remote learning, curricular choice boards co-planned with teachers for learning at home, student projects and resources, teacher support resources, templates and much more.
John A Leslie Public School. (2020). JAL Virtual LIbrary. Retrieved from

Discover the many innovative ways this virtual SLLC in Newfoundland-Labrador supports students with many attributes created by the teacher-librarian for them in the 2020 pandemic. Explore unique sites such as on-line maker spaces, escape rooms, wellness, virtual field trips and more.
Leary’s Brook Junior HIgh School. (2020). Virtual Library Learning Commons (Home Page). Retrieved from

In this inviting on-line LLC students of a large K-8 Ontario school can access motivating resources and activities through an appealing, exploratory web page design. Many activities are geared to learning during the pandemic such as inventing a social-distance safe sport in the making section. Includes a nice balance of activities both on and off line.
Aylesbury School. (2021). Welcome to the Aylesbury LLC (Home Page). Retrieved from

Enjoy a “visit” to this Ontario secondary school LLC through watching their virtual LLC tour created by the teacher-librarian. Many other virtual resources on the site.
Saunders Secondary School. (n.d.). Saunders library learning commons.

The home page of this British Columbia secondary school highlights their inclusive and supportive mission, values, supports and offerings available to students and teachers through the LLC.
Queen Elizabeth Secondary Learning Commons. (n.d.). Home page.

This Ontario central school library resource centre offers schools a wide variety of curriculum support materials K-12 through their physical and digital resources, kit libraries, and media supports which can be accessed or booked online.
Terry James Resource Centre. (2024). Home page.

This Ontario secondary school web page introduces readers and the learning community into the collaborative role of the LLC and teacher-librarian in curriculum.
Emily Carr Secondary School. (n.d.). Library learning commons.