Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.
Theme: Engaging with Inquiry Approaches
Growth Phase: Evolving
Growth Indicator: Learning experiences are designed to have real world context and relevance for students.

Explore this Ontario middle school’s virtual LLC to discover many interesting learning provocations – virtual makerspace activities and choice grids, virtual field trips, coding supports and examples, inquiry and research support and find beautifully student-designed book posters.
Williams Parkway LLC. (2020). Panthers LIbrary. Retrieved from

An Ontario teacher and teacher-librarian/university instructor provide a detailed plan and additional references/resources for teachers to appropriately and sensitively discuss tragic or bizarre events that the school community, local area, or world has heard about.
Borysiak, M. & Harris, G. (March 3, 2021). What Do You Do in Class the ‘Day After’? Canadian School Libraries Journal 5(1). Retrieved from