Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners
Theme: Cultural Literacy
Growth Phase: Established
Growth Indicator: LLC program infuses cultural literacy.

Visit the authentic “Learning Commons and Makerspace” web site of Nusdeh Yoh Elementary School, Prince George, BC, an Aboriginal Choice Program School “rooted in Aboriginal worldviews, culture, and language.
Nusdeh Yoh Elementary School. (2017). Nusdeh Yoh Learning Commons. Retrieved from

This Ontario school’s virtual LLC includes a comprehensive list of the key understandings of the Seven Grandfather Teachings to support the infusion of Indigenous Perspectives as well as the resource manual “Teachings of the Seven Sacred/Seven Grandfathers” (Ontario Native Literacy Coalition, 2010) which comprises nine lessons to use with students.
Brownridge Public School. (2020). Seven Grandfather Teachings. Retrieved from

An Ontario teacher-librarian works with various members of Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to restore the land around their school to create spaces where children and adults can develop a relationship with the land, keeping plants and powerful learning thriving during the pandemic. Founded on Natural Curiosity, 2nd edition (2017) text. Includes illustrations, strategies, and references.
Spence, K. (November 11, 2020). The Four Branches of Natural Curiosity: Persisting Through a Pandemic. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4(3). Retrieved from