Fostering Literacies: Exemplar E4

Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners

Theme: Digital Media Literacy and Citizenship

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarian empowers students to use digital tools to create and communicate as they take ownership of their digital responsibilities and take leadership in sharing and building knowledge with others.

The Calgary Board of Education, Alberta, provides a vision and supporting resources to prepare students in digital citizenship.

Calgary Board of Education. (2014). Digital citizenship.

This blogpost serves as the official launch of the timely project, GlobalEdSschat, formerly the Ontario Education Student Chat (ONedSsChat) developed as “an opportunity for students in Ontario to share their voices, connect with others, and learn via social media”. Now the project is going global, and the post includes how this will work, the team involved, and many references.

Casa-Todd, J. (2019, September 8). Introducing #GlobalEdSschat [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Founder and CCO of Digital Human Library, Cassell defines digital citizenship, the importance of teaching it as a way of thinking, and using  children’s books as digital citizenship mentor texts, as in the picture book co-authored by Cassell, Aubrey Bright in Stories that Connect Us.

Cassell, L.  (March 3, 2021).  The Experience of Being a Digital Citizen and the Stories That Connect Us.  Canadian School Libraries Journal 5(1).  Retrieved from 

Canadian School Libraries

Noted SLLC leader, Chair of Canadian School Libraries (CSL) and co-editor of CSL Journal, Brooks Kirkland considers the importance of digital media literacy and the role school libraries have in engaging communities. Brooks Kirkland outlines the ten principles created to guide the development of a national digital media strategy in Canada and puts forward a range of starting points that will support our profession in embracing a role in digital media literacy education in a post pandemic world.  Originally written for publication in Synergy, the journal of the School Library Association of Victoria, Australia. Published on the TMCanada blog for TMC7 with permission.

Brooks Kirkland, A.  (2022).   Advocating for Digital Media Literacy: A Comprehensive Approach.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 7 Symposium, New Westminster, Canada. Retrieved from

Ontario teacher-librarian and author Casa-Todd blogs about the “Media Triangle” (Neil Andersen) as an important way to learn to regularly critique and create media so the more skeptical students can become of what they are consuming/creating the better they can understand misinformation. Includes a list of ideas and resources.

Casa-Todd, J.  (2023, August 2).  Media Literacy and the Media Triangle [Blog post].  Retrieved from

An Ontario teacher-librarian and Canadian School Libraries (CSL) Board Director shares important observations and experiences about the role of the teacher-librarian in preparing students and teachers in the use and examination of AI in research and assignments, posing key questions for consideration and discussion.

Casa-Todd, J. (2025). To what extent should the library learning commons be the center of AI literacy in a school? Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 8 Symposium, Toronto, Canada.