Standard: Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower and Community of Learners
Theme: School Administration Partnerships
Growth Phase: Leading
Growth Indicator: School administration works collaboratively with LLC leadership team to lead school improvement through the LLC.

This secondary school library annual report is presented through a documented slideshow highlighting goals founded using Leading Learning as a guiding document. Sharing the annual report through the slide show was an effective way to share goals met and set new goals with the school principal.
King, A. (2018, July 4). Our library learning commons annual report [Blog post]. Retrieved from

This teacher-librarian shares a detailed 3 year plan to develop the LLC started in 2017 as requested by the principal. The plan is linked to school improvement, technology in learning and references Leading Learning.
Lyons, B. (2018, October 22). A 3-Year Plan for Creating a 21st Century Learning Commons [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Through the leadership and support of the school principal, vice principal, teacher-librarian, and strong, experienced staff who were ready to try new things, a middle school in British Columbia builds a vibrant school culture with the learning commons at its heart, helping to increase student achievement, support staff development, and impact meaningful change.
Mark, D. & McNee, D. (2019, November 4). Strong Leadership Builds Libraries: The Vital Role of Administrators in the School Library Learning Commons. Canadian School Libraries Journal 3 (3). Retrieved from

A new teacher-librarian in Toronto, Ontario, reflects on the process of weeding an elementary school’s print collection over the span of two years with strong support from the principal. Her reflections include that weeding should be systemic, ongoing and responsive; sharing photos of the process as well as a list of questions/considerations that will assist others in this journey.
Khokhar, R. (2020, November 11). Reflections from a New Teacher-Librarian: Weeding is an Equity Issue. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4(3). Retrieved from