Standard: Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower and Community of Learners
Theme: School Administration Partnerships
Growth Phase: Established
Growth Indicator: School administration works collaboratively with LLC leadership team to engage the school community in participatory learning in the LLC.

The Ottawa CDSB transforms libraries to learning commons, led centrally by Donna Presz.
In 2015 the Ottawa CDSB received an award from the Canadian Education Association (CEA) for their vision, and Learning Commons was part of their innovation success.
Ottawa CDSB (2015). “Innovation that Sticks” at the Ottawa Catholic School Board:
Canadian Education Association (2016). Innovation that sticks case study report: Ottawa Catholic School Board.

A reporter interviews administrators and librarians to write about exciting school library learning commons transformations occurring throughout the English Montreal School Board (EMSB).
Hanes, A. (2020, January 24). Hanes: School Libraries are Breaking the Code of Silence. Montreal Gazette. Retrieved from