Learning Environments: Exemplar C4

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for Accessibility in the LLC

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: LLC physical and virtual learning spaces assist and accommodations are experimented with to discover best approaches to making learning accessible to all.

Jennifer Brown, teacher-librarian, Castle Oaks Public School, Peel District School Board, Ontario, posts about the potential of the library learning commons design and practice to empower the addressment of equity and social justice. Brown provides a link to reflective questions and resources for teacher-librarians to help build capacity in addressing equity and social justice in three practical areas: the book collection, the library learning commons environment decor and language, and in scheduling and routines.

Brown, J. (February 1, 2017). Equity & Social Justice In The Library Learning Commons [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.open-shelf.ca/170201-equity-social-justice/

Brown, J. (February 1, 2017). Reflective Questions and Equity Resources [Blog post]. Retrieved from  http://www.open-shelf.ca/questions-and-resources/

This study focuses on inclusion of LGBTQ literature in school library collections, specifically picture book depiction of family; and the challenges, concerns and best practices teacher-librarians face in developing inclusive collections. Research literature, components, methodology, results and references are shared along with an extensive list of LGBTQ titles studied across several provinces. A fascinating look at an important and sensitive topic, with hope that library staff will continue or commence to work with their learning communities “to build collections inclusive to all”.

Brown, M. (2017, October). Picture Book Representations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Queer (LGBTQ) Families and Their Presence in School Libraries in Canada. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada. Retrieved from https://researcharchive.canadianschoollibraries.ca/2017/11/21/picture-book-representations-of-lgbtq-families-and-their-presence-in-school-libraries-in-canada/

Powerful student artifacts and links to resources comprise this compelling and timely presentation on supporting gender inclusion in the school library.

Brown, J. (2018). Creating a Safe Space in Your Library:  The Power of Children’s Literature to Support LGBTQ+ [Slideshare]. Retrieved from https://researcharchive.canadianschoollibraries.ca/2017/11/21/picture-book-representations-of-lgbtq-families-and-their-presence-in-school-libraries-in-canada/

An elementary British Columbia teacher-librarian focuses on collection development after re-designing the LLC with aid from a district grant. The process was guided with resources from BCTF Teacher Inquiry and Leading Learning. Student input and need led to selecting sensory/audio resources, expanding learning experiences for all.  Includes reflections, illustrations and resource examples.

Cordeiro Lutz, M.  (November 11, 2020).  Developing an Inclusive Collection with Sensory and Audiobooks.  Canadian School Libraries Journal 4(3).  Retrieved from https://journal.canadianschoollibraries.ca/developing-an-inclusive-collection-with-sensory-and-audiobooks/ 

At the 2020 Ontario Library Association (OLA) Super Conference, personnel from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Library Learning Resources department outlined the process of redeveloping their cataloguing procedures to reflect equity policies and inclusive design. This excellent review of the process poses many important questions, details and resources that schools and school districts could both consider and utilize.

Hilber, J., McGowan, A., Young, L. & Sykes, A.   (2020).  Intentional cataloguing for inclusive design in school library learning commons [PDF].  http://accessola2.com/superconference2020/Sessions/1WedJan29/Intentional%20Cataloguing%20for%20Inclusive%20Design%20in%20School%20Library%20Learning.pdf

An Ontario  LLC EdTech Innovation Resource Teacher (K-12) shares her explorations as she works to find ways to enhance the school library learning commons to be more welcoming and accessible for students with exceptionalities. She filters her research using critical foundations for school library learning commons – Physical and Virtual LLC Space, Accessibility and LLC Management.

Gardener, D-K.  (2025).  Building Inclusive learning commons. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 8 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. https://researcharchive.canadianschoollibraries.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/TMC8_2025_Gardener.pdf