Instructional Design: Exemplar G4

Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.

Theme: Evidence-Based Practice

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarians contribute their particular knowledge of best practice results in their LLC to the broader education community.

Canadian School Libraries

The mandate of Canadian School Libraries (CSL) is to support research and education about school library learning commons practice in Canada. The Research Toolkit is integral to fulfilling this mission.” (CSL, 2020) Part of the CSL Professional Resources section, the research toolkit was designed by school library practitioners (CSL Research Committee) to facilitate active practitioner research enabling the exploration of practice in the LLC. The toolkit answers questions and concerns practitioners may have about the how’s and why’s of conducting research, and includes clear strategies and steps for research approaches, stages, methods and ethics including data analysis, sharing and learning, additional resources, and a “getting started” section. The toolkit connects with the ongoing development of the CSL Research Archive and supports the work of Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC).

Canadian School Libraries (CSL). (2020). Canadian School Libraries Research Toolkit. Retrieved from

Teacher-librarians from British Columbia share tested resource based lessons on a wide variety of curricular topics.

Ikeda, Leslie, Leblond, Joanne, Kilpatrick, Susan, Ferrer, Melody, Diane, Silzer, Diane, Comfort, Judith & Proskie, Joanie. (n.d.) School Libraries Without Boundaries.

Canadian School Libraries

Canadian School Libraries Journal is the online journal of the non-profit Canadian School Libraries (CSL) organization. It is published quarterly with articles and news reflective of the current professional school library learning commons standards.

Brooks Kirkland, A.& Koechlin, C, Eds. (2018). Canadian School Libraries Journal. Retrieved from

Canadian School Libraries

The Canadian School Libraries Research Archive is the accessible and searchable database of Treasure Mountain Canada (school library learning commons research symposium) papers and artifacts, now numbering over a hundred, of the non-profit Canadian School Libraries (CSL) organization. The archive will also provide a platform for original research conducted by Canadian School Libraries.

Brooks Kirkland, A., Koechlin, C., & McGowan, A. (2018). Canadian School Libraries Research Archive. Retrieved from

Lyons shares both a concise infographic and long-form year end LLC report created using Canva, a  graphic-design tool website that allowed her to report, share, and reflect on the LLC year in an outstanding, dynamic manner.

Lyons, B. (2019, June 12). The Year End Report [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Enjoy this delightful year end report composed by an Ontario teacher-librarian in a secondary school. The report is presented innovatively, describing key events and projects in the LLC over the year. Includes an adaptive response to Covid19.  

St. Aubyn, J. (2020). #The Library Life – News From Your Library Learning Commons:  The Saga Continues. Retrieved from

A teacher-librarian in Saskatchewan shares events, inspiration and key learnings acquired through attending Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) 6 for the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA).

Long, S. (2020). Librarians,  The Hidden Gold of a School: Treasure Mountain 6. The Medium. Retrieved from

This paper outlines the successful journey of an Ontario teacher-librarian as pedagogical leader in developing a dynamic participatory library learning commons in the re-development of a secondary school library.

King, A. (2020). Getting on the Train: A Decade of Shifting Culture in the School Library.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 6 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from

This article is a report of the second study conducted by noted educator and author Dr. D.V. Loertscher into the effects on student achievement when teachers and teacher-librarians engage in teaching partnerships. Simply expressed by Loertscher, “If a classroom teacher teaches a unit of instruction alone in the classroom, one can foresee about half of the students to meet or exceed the teacher’s expectations. However, if the classroom teacher coteaches a unit of instruction alongside the teacher librarian, 70–100% of the students can be anticipated to meet or exceed both adults’ expectations. In research language, the practical significance of coteaching far surpasses what a single adult teaching a typical classroom can achieve.” Previously published in Teacher Librarian.

Loertscher, D.V. & Zepnik, J.  (2020). Coteaching Revisited: The Replication Study. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 6 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. (Original work published 2019). Retrieved from

The School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV) (Australia) presents an innovative, interactive flow chart of key SLLC components with links to exemplary resources applicable to SLLC worldwide at your fingertips. 

School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV). (2022).  What a school library can do for you.  Retrieved from 

The British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA) presents a webinar giving an overview about teacher-librarians engaging in research to further the profession through the lens of the Canadian School Libraries (CSL) Research Toolkit. Includes ideas about papers that have been presented at Treasure Mountain Canada, a school library learning commons symposium and think tank, what was required as a writer/co-writer and how their research was approached.

British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA). (2022). The BCTLA Guide to Canadian School Libraries’ Research Toolkit Webinar -April 6, 2022 [Webinar].  Retrieved from  

In this paper Dr. Loertscher and his colleagues call for more school library professionals to engage in action research. The paper presents a model for action research as a personal discovery focused on how the school library might move into the centre of teaching and learning in the school. The writers ask you to consider, “What is the best thing that I can do to create the biggest impact on teaching and learning in my special/individual community of teachers and learners?” 

Loertscher, D.V. & Young, M. (2025). Action research as a pathway to discovery in the school library. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 8 Symposium, Toronto, Canada.