Collaborative Engagement: Exemplar F2

Standard: Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower and Community of Learners

Theme: District Administration and District LLC Program Leader Partnerships

Growth Phase: Evolving

Growth Indicator: District administration and district LLC program leaders work collaboratively with teacher-librarians/LLC teachers to transform library spaces and programs to support learning shifts.

A secondary school in Surrey, British Columbia documents their second year in a journey from library to learning commons.

Kwantlen Park Secondary School. (2014). Ecole Kwantlen Park creative commons.

This article details the leadership activities of an enthusiastic district school librarian in implementing and supporting school libraries in the shift to a learning commons philosophy in the fourth largest school district in Quebec. Collaborations are highlighted. Includes photos and planning diagrams.

Séguin, M. (2019, May 21).  Marketing the Library Learning Commons. Canadian School Libraries Journal, 3 (2). Retrieved from

Séguin, M. (2019, May 21). Le marketing des carrefours d’apprentissage. Canadian School Libraries Journal, 3 (2). Retrieved from

This article outlines how the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) Communications Department selected transforming school library learning commons to highlight in the news media as the good news story launch for the year. Board-level librarians and administrators collaborate on how to present the SLLC as a transformative work in progress. Includes their prepared for a major communications launch, links to media on launch day, and link to the EMSB library transformation initiative

Taylor, J. (2020, June 2).  English Montreal School Board Spotlight on Libraries. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4 (2). Retrieved from