Supporting You: Implementation Guide


Implementation Guide – For Transition To A School Library Learning Commons


Leading Learning is deliberately designed to provide many points of entry for schools planning on transitioning the school library to better address the teaching and learning needs of the school. The standards are not aligned hierarchically because they are very dependent on one another and overlap to drive the synergy and sustainability of this approach. Using Leading Learning successfully depends on fully assimilating the key steps for implementation, as outlined in the “Moving Forward” section of the document. These key steps are to establish right from the start that this transition is:

  • a whole school approach not just a library upgrade;
  • not the isolated work of the teacher-librarian or library support staff – a team effort is required if any lasting transformation is to be achieved; and
  • more than changing the appearance of the library, although that may be a needed outcome to enable the desired program.

Growth Stages

The very first step is to establish a learning commons leadership team committed to long-term transition and implementation. This team should be as representative as possible of the school community and not appointed, but invited to lead. The team moves forward with study, analysis and action oriented stages of progress interwoven with constant review and evidence-based growth. The final step is to know that there is no definitive destination point other than providing the best possible learning environment and program for learners. The learning commons is always in a state of beta, constantly evolving to address shifting needs. This is the strength and the promise for sustainable school improvement.

Approaches and Tools to Help

Once the School Library Learning Commons (SLLC) Leadership Team is established:


Leading Learning in Action:

School leaders and library professionals are utilizing the standards to transform not only physical spaces but also approaches to learning in the SLLC.

  • Transformations made to address building a culturally relevant and responsive school library learning commons learning community in a senior high school are presented in this video by Carlo Fusco (2017) presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada.  Revisioning the Library as a Learning Commons