Learning Environments: Exemplar J1

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for the Individual

Growth Phase: Emerging

Growth Indicator: Students demonstrate and experience respect and responsibility in the LLC.

A Curriculum Implementation Consultant in British Columbia explores themes of kindness and respect using the book Salma the Syrian Chef (Ramadan).  “Learning experiences” for grades 4-6 include making, tinkering and modifying with additional resources recommended.

Eguia, J. (2023).  Student Well-Being:  Kindness and Respect, Self-Image.  Retrieved from https://www.dropbox.com/s/83str4x3ava1d5o/StudentWellBeing_lp_Kindness.pdf?dl=0

This Alberta school weaves basic LLC procedures around a welcoming garden metaphor.

Copperfield School.  (2023).   Why is our Learning Commons called “The Garden”?  Retrieved from https://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/copperfield/teaching-learning/learning-commons-library/pages/default.aspx

In this example for 9th grade students an Ontario school district addresses the role of the teacher-librarian, student expectations, and essential skills in the area of plagiarism and academic honesty.

Waterloo Region District School Board. (n.d.).  Plagiarism and Academic Honesty.  Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/wrdsb.ca/plagiarismandacademichonesty/home