Learning Environments: Exemplar I1

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for Transparent Knowledge Building in the LLC

Growth Phase: Emerging

Growth Indicator: Student work is celebrated and posted in the physical and virtual LLC.

Enjoy the books students collaboratively wrote posted on this Ontario elementary school’s virtual LLC. Continue to explore the site to see other student projects including podcasts.

Aylesbury LLC.  (2023).  Aylesbury Publishes.  Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/pdsb.net/aylesburyllc/aylesbury-publishes

This British Columbia Elementary School digital LLC provides many resources, templates and supports for student learning and student projects across the subjects.

Brentwood Elementary School.  (2023).  BC Digital Classroom.  Retrieved from https://brentwood.sd63.bc.ca/course/view.php?id=68

An Ontario teacher-librarian consistently shares student work and projects over the year on the LLC blog of this elementary French immersion school.

Aradj, L.  (2023).  Lord Lansdowne Learning Commons & Fab Lab.  Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/llpsllc/home

Home (google.com)

A teacher-librarian from Newfoundland/Labrador working collaboratively with teachers publishes delightful grade 1 student’s audio art books inspired by the art of Barbara Reid.

Borden, L.  (2024).  Grade 1 plasticine stories. Book Creator.  https://read.bookcreator.com/library/-Nq2sevzlFxklo8w2P2F