Learning Environments: Exemplar D1

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for Responsive Print and Digital Collections

Growth Phase: Emerging

Growth Indicator: Print and digital collections are inclusive, accessible, support Canadian identity, and the information needs of all learners in the school community.

Study the Quebec School Librarians Network approach to referencing Leading Learning for promoting Canadian identity and diversity; explore the wide variety of learning and teaching resources provided.  

Quebec School Librarian’s Network (QSLiN). (2017). Promoting Canadian Identity & Diversity in Your Library. Retrieved from http://qslin.org/promoting-canadian-identity-and-diversity-in-your-library/

The Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) has created a database of books for educators reflecting themes of social justice and diversity. Includes a helpful topical search engine. Book descriptions include age/grade levels.

The Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC). (2018). Social Justice and Diversity Book Bank.  Retrieved from http://sjad.bookcentre.ca/index.php