Learning Environments: Exemplar C3

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for Accessibility in the LLC

Growth Phase: Established

Growth Indicator: LLC physical and virtual spaces encourage participation of special needs students in working with information and enjoying reading activities.

Centre for Equitable Library Access https://celalibrary.ca/

The Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) is a national not-for-profit organization serving Canadians of all ages with print disabilities in partnership with member public libraries. CELA’s free Educator Access program provides elementary, high school and post-secondary educators with full access to the collection for students with print disabilities.

Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA). (2020).  Home Page. Retrieved from https://celalibrary.ca

A tool to help with the design of LLC websites for accessibility of special needs users.

Henry, Shawn Lawton, & McGee, Liam. (2013). WC3 accessibility>/I>.

Follow the lively documentation of a collaborative, multidisciplinary writing project co-planned and taught between teacher-librarian/resource teacher and special education teacher who infused innovative arts and technology in learning with students in grades 3-6 challenged by writing using the iPad App Book Creator. Project considerations and links to a wealth of innovative tech resources enable you to adapt.  

Apple Inc. (2017). Book Creator. Retrieved from https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/book-creator-for-ipad-create/id442378070?mt=8

Campbell, M. & Tondat, S. (2017). Choose Your Own Adventure Made Easy with Book Creator & Green Screen Google Docs, iPads, Google Drive. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1skX_yCUkh-yLiKWULyvgaCNJ1ln92zjVnMFLyCB-150/edit

Read further about the project, ideas, resources and reflections in this in-depth posting on the “Book Creator” blog.

Campbell, M. & Narayan, S. (2017, July 26). How we created an interactive choose your own adventure book [Blog post]. Retreived from https://bookcreator.com/2017/07/created-interactive-choose-adventure-book/

This Toronto District School Board (TDSB) website is designed for students, educators and parents, and provides support and tools for learning such as apps, software, and licensed programs in accordance with TDSB policy on acceptable use of information technology. 

Toronto District School Board (TDSB). (2022).  Assistive Technology. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/tdsbat/home