Learning Environments: Exemplar C2

Standard: Designing Learning Environments to Support Participatory Learning

Theme: Designing for Accessibility in the LLC

Growth Phase: Evolving

Growth Indicator: LLC physical and virtual spaces and technologies support multiple abilities, with particular benefit for special needs learners.

This online virtual learning commons, originating in Kelowna, British Columbia, has a special education page designed by their teacher-librarian that pertains to students with special needs, from dyslexia to autism and the different technology available.

Heritage Christian Online School Learning Commons. (2018). Special Education Index. Retrieved from https://hcslearningcommons.org/learning-resources-for-diverse-abilities-2/

“SPARC! (Students Participate in Action Research Creatively)” is a universally accessible learning commons designed in an Ontario elementary school for “students and teachers with differing physical, sensory, learning and/or mental health strengths and challenges to create, re-purpose, explore, invent and innovate”.

James Robinson Public School. (2017.) SPARC! Universally Accessible Learning Commons. http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/jamesrobinson.ps/info/Pages/SPARC!-Universally-Accessible-Learning-Commons.aspx

This Saskatchewan secondary school presents extensive resources for support for English language learners. Includes English listening lesson library videos, audio books, bilingual glossaries and more.

Evan Hardy Collegiate.  (2020).  Evan Hardy Collegiate: EAL. Retrieved from http://secondarylibguides.spsd.sk.ca/c.php?g=691974&p=4899906

This informative student-read video illustrates the various formats books are published in so the world of reading can be open to everyone.

The Canadian Children’s Book Centre.  (2022, April 28).  Accessible Books for Everyone [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KjEMtjVTpM

Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), Ontario, provides software and other technology to help students access the Ontario Curriculum and alternative programming provided by TVDSB.  Includes video defining assistive technology, as well as tools and apps to provide support for students.

Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB).  (2022).  Assistive Technology in the Classroom.  Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/gotvdsb.ca/atclassroom .