Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.
Theme: STEAM /Maker Pedagogies
Growth Phase: Evolving
Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarians/LLC teachers use provocations along with a makerspace to provide hands-on or experiential projects.
Moving from a physical library space to a fully virtual program for the 2020-2021 pandemic school year, Ontario teacher-librarian Lyons explores the pedagogy and philosophy that anchors the curation of the virtual library learning commons to provide maker prompts, embed literacy-based inquiry and culturally responsive practices in school wide make prompts and provocations shared through embedded videos based on a virtual presentation by the author at the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) Bring It Together conference in February, 2021.
Lyons, B. (2021, May 12). Virtual Maker Learning in the Library Learning Commons. Canadian School Libraries Journal 5 (2). Retrieved from