Instructional Design: Exemplar I4

Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.

Theme: Inquiry Project Organization for Success

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: Students utilize digital tools and collaborative spaces to store and share resources and ongoing project work and presentations.

This paper focuses on how teacher-librarians leading constructivist learning projects can facilitate the process through the use of project management digital tools. These tools support successful learning through managing collaborative student workflow thus developing greater teacher and student achievement. The authors propose project management is a needed literacy for student success and teacher-librarians are in a prime position to lead the way. The paper is intended to work in tandem with the accompanying video to illustrate background, theory, and example of use by these Ontario educators.

King, A. & King, T.  (2022).  Inquiry Project Management Tools for Tired Teachers.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 7 Symposium, New Westminster, Canada.  Retrieved from