Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.
Theme: Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being (First Nation, Métis and Inuit Ways, Traditional Skills and Knowledge)
Growth Phase: Leading
Growth Indicator: Students have opportunities to reflect and be active participants in decolonizing action on Indigenous issues in Canada and make contributions to reconciliation through experiences in the LLC.
Canadian School Libraries partnered with TEACH Magazine and Bibliovideo to develop The Great Canadian Book Project with funding from the Canada Book Fund. A wide range of Canadian-authored books with other resources and activities were created for K-12 students around three themes: Student Well-Being, Indigenous Voices, and Global Issues. “Indigenous Voices: Violence Against Indigenous Women” in this exemplar was developed by an Ontario teacher-librarian specialist for secondary students grades 11-12. Includes highly recommended literature, processes, activities and resources.
Mulcaster, M. (2023). Indigenous Voices: Violence Against Indigenous Women [PDF]. Retrieved from
This British Columbia organization provides resources and suggested actions for everyone including teachers and students to “find the moral courage, integrity and confidence to embark on their own personal learning journey about the truths for Indigenous women and children, and all women and children, in this country related to violence and discrimination”. Teachers are provided with background, lesson plans, classroom resources and workshop videos on the K-12 learning platform page.
Moose Hide Campaign Development Society. (2023). Moose Hide Campaign. Retrieved from
An Ontario secondary school involved grade 11 “Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices” classes in a rich project to research and honour the land, planting 22 native plants on school grounds. Includes links to a presentation, project outline, and graphic text exploration.
Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School. (2023, May 29). Planting Project. Retrieved from