Instructional Design: Exemplar G3

Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.

Theme: Evidence-Based Practice

Growth Phase: Established

Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarians initiate collaborative action research with teachers to build best practice strategies and approaches to learning in the LLC and assess its effectiveness.

This fifth grade inquiry explores using digital readers to enrich literature circles and novel studies to impact overall student learning about and development in reading. Procedures and findings of the study, teacher and student reflections, and pros and cons discovered using digital readers are detailed.

Lachine, M, Stanley, T.  & Oliver, T.(2012).  Lakeshore Discovery School Collaborative Inquiry.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 2 Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.  Retrieved from

The impact of teacher collaboration on grade 6 boys’ engagement and achievement in non-fiction reading and writing forms this inquiry. Illustrations of student graphic organizers and mind maps are included, and teacher and student reflections. Recommendations reference the importance for teachers to have an open mind and understand that dissonance can be part of the process.

Laporte, L., Finnerty, D., McDonald, T.  & Douglas, S.  (2012).  John Campbell Public School Collaborative Inquiry.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 2 Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.  Retrieved from

Spanning three divisions (grades 1, 4/5, & 8), this inquiry studied the potential impact of implementing differentiated technology opportunities on student achievement and engagement in writing. Includes feedback from teachers and students at each level, observations, findings and conclusions that fully support increased student engagement/achievement and improved writing with integration of various technologies.

Konrad, C., Savoni, M., Jinks, E., Lappalainen, D. & DiVincenzo, D.  (2012). Hugh Beaton Public School Collaborative Inquiry.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 2 Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.  Retrieved from

This symposium paper addresses teacher inquiry involving learning partnerships, learning environments and pedagogical practices to make learning relevant and responsive to students. Learning partnerships were formed between teachers and their classes and between their “Inquiry Buddy classes”. Learning environments included hallways, split classrooms, local forest areas and school library.

Harris, G. & Ma, K. (2017, October). Inquiry Buddies. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada. Retrieved from /

Canadian School Libraries

Canadian School Libraries (CSL) provides a supporting resource for teacher action research focusing on the implementation and sustainability of the learning commons model.  Includes approaches, tools, and examples from across Canada.

Canadian School Libraries (CSL).  (2023).  Supporting You:  Teacher Action Research.  Retrieved from

Canadian School Libraries

CSL President Brooks Kirkland shares her article originally written and published in Synergy, the journal of the School Library Association of Victoria, Australia (Vol. 21 No. 2, October 2023).  The article details critical accountability strategies for building LLC credibility and support. Includes “Cycle of Accountability” model and references.

Brooks Kirkland, A.  (2023, November 26).  The power of accountability: strategies for building credibility and support.  Canadian School Library Journal 7(3).