Instructional Design: Exemplar F4

Standard: Cultivating Effective Instructional Design to Co-plan, Teach and Assess Learning.

Theme: Assessment for, of and as Learning

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: Students understand inquiry learning and can articulate how the experience helps them grow as learners.

Surrey, British Columbia students self-assess their cross-curricular inquiry project in the learning commons in this video.

Pelat, Jess. (2013). Inquiry 8 student interviews.

See It In Action

In this article the authors discuss documentation of, for, and as learning – not as direct synonyms for assessment of, for, or as learning – as the authors point out an integral part of documentation – but going “beyond assessment” allowing learners to participate in their learning processes. Includes process diagrams, advice, and references.

Hale, J. & Mulcaster, M. (2018). Documentation of Learning Makes Growth Visible. ASCD Express 14 (7). Retrieved from

This paper is an exploration of the potential of infusing assessment and instructional practices. Noted Canadian educators and authors Garfield Gini-Newman and Laura Gini-Newman name their approach the “Double Helix of Learning”. In their discussions they introduce the concept that, “Powerful assessment occurs at the intersection of three essential goals for learning – inspire learning, inform learning and sustain learning.” The authors share the application of ongoing assessment practices and the active participation of students in this process through strategies of sustained critical inquiry for deep learning.

Gini-Newman, G. & Gini-Newman, L. (2020). Powerful Instruction and Powerful Assessment: The Double-Helix of Learning. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 6 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from