Fostering Literacies: Exemplar H3

Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners

Theme: Building Reader Skills and Capacity

Growth Phase: Established

Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarian works collaboratively with teachers to design and facilitate opportunities for students to engage in independent reading for skill development across physical and digital mediums.

Teacher-librarian leaders and a school administrator in Ontario present a timely article focused on the importance of non-fiction texts and how they can be utilized in classrooms to support student success.

Inparjah, I., Pitter-Adlam, M., & Mulcaster, M. (2023, March 5).  The Truth About Non-Fiction.  Canadian School Libraries Journal 7(1).  Retrieved from

An Ontario elementary school teacher-librarian curates a wide variety of online reading recommendations for students in French and English.

Aradj, L.  (2023).  Check out the French & English online digital reading resources below! Lord Lansdowne Library Learning Commons & Fab Lab. Retrieved from