Fostering Literacies: Exemplar F4

Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners

Theme: Cultural Literacy

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: LLC program contributes to the co-creation of cultural literacy.

Toronto teacher-librarian Joel Krentz shares an engaging, collaborative whole school approach to fostering school-wide implementation of the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action” for education, demonstrating the successful leadership of teacher-librarian and school library learning commons in this endeavour. Research, resources and implementation strategies are shared. Use of the “Seven Grandfather Teachings” as a framework is highlighted.

Krentz, J. (2017, October). Infusing Indigenous Perspectives in our Teaching and Learning.  Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada. Retrieved from

By investing in building deep understanding of the issues, professionals are better prepared to design inclusive learning environments and programs. This symposium paper relates how teacher-librarians can turn to Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada for guidance and exemplars and show how these standards have helped this school learning community move forward in culturally relevant and responsive ways.

Gibson, J. (2017, October). Facilitating Reconciliation through the Library Learning Commons. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada. Retrieved from

Students’ cultures mesh in the library learning commons and whole school to create a unique school culture as depicted through this slideshare symposium presentation. Environments, partnerships and lifelong learning factor prominently in this rich learning journey; teaching artifacts from collaborations and leadership in the library learning commons are shared.

Fogarty, Vivianne. (2017). Weaving the Fabric of our Schools’ Cultures…. Slideshare presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 5 Symposium, Winnipeg, Canada. Retrieved from

This video demonstrates a teacher-librarian implementing an effective interactive read aloud on global citizenship from the Growing Global Citizens Teacher’s Guide.

Owlkids Books.(2018, July 4). Growing Global Citizens: One Book at a Time [Video file]. Retrieved from

This leading edge program supports students in remote indigenous communities through connective technology and participation with schools across Canada. The website provides information about the program and participating schools, as well as posting regular news.

TakingITGlobal. Connected North. (2018). Connected North. Retrieved from

This article provides insight and direction in moving from books depicting a single story Muslim narrative to the values and norms of positive and authentic cultural representationoften and in doing so disrupt stereotypes that can reinforce Islamophobia. Ideas for elementary school students to think critically and challenge stereotypes are shared through class and book club collaboration examples. Includes resources for teachers and critical checklist for assessing books with Muslim characters.

Khokhar, R. (2019).  The Power of Stories: Learning from Complex Characters to Counter Islamophobia. Etfo Voice Retrieved from

Ontario teacher-librarian and FOLD Kids planning team member/volunteer coordinator shares the background and growing impact of FOLD Kids Book Fest, an outgrowth of The Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD) as a way to appeal to young people ages 0-18. 

Duval, T.  (March 1, 2022).  FOLD Kids:  Celebrating Literary Diversity.  Canadian School Libraries Journal 6 (1). Retrieved from

In this motivating article an Ontario teacher-librarian writes about “inspiring high school students and teachers to read Canadian”.  The author provides background, subject area reading lists, Padlet records of evidence from teachers, and examples of how Canadian sources inspired student creative works.

Whittaker, M.  (2021).  I Read Canadian Creations of All Kinds. Canadian School Libraries Journal 5 (3). Retrieved from i-read-canadian-creations-of-all-kinds