Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners
Theme: Engaging Readers
Growth Phase: Leading
Growth Indicator: Students help build a community of readers.

Middle-school students from this Winnipeg, MB, K-Grade 8 school promote books they love through creating interesting sound bytes.
École Marie-Anne Gaboury Carrefour d’Apprentissage. (2018). MAG Reviews Sold. Retrieved from

Thoughtful illustrations & lively text highlight book recommendations created by middle school readers and are posted on the school library learning commons web page in this K-8 French Immersion school in Winnipeg, Man.
Acorn, D. (n.d.) Graphic Book Reviews. Retrieved from

This article from British Columbia highlights the process the school library went through to win one of the 2019 Follett Challenge awards. The article focused on how the teacher-librarian moved their annual “Battle of the Books” to a digital platform to emphasize the 21st Century competencies, allowing students to learn how to work collaboratively in a digital world while still becoming a community of readers.
Armstrong, L. (2020, June 2). By Building Community, We Won Big. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4 (2). Retrieved from