Fostering Literacies: Exemplar A4

Standard: Fostering Literacies to Empower Life-Long Learners

Theme: Literacy Leadership

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: LLC leadership team leads the school community in designing learning for transliteracy.

Presenters from Peel District School Board, Ontario, explain transmedia and a livebinders site created to support transmedia at the 2014 Ontario Library Association Super Conference.

Holwerda, Leslie and Roberts, Brenda. (2014). The universe of digital literacy: Transmedia.

Consider adapting this co-planned and taught project in the learning commons using award-winning new fiction (primary grades) and non-fiction (middle grades) as maker gateways.

Mulcaster, M. (2017). The forest of making. Retrieved from

This concise presentation expertly discusses the constructivist pedagogy important to know and use when developing makerspaces in the learning commons and shares connections to pertinent resources and examples such as the author’s outstanding “Forest of Making” page

Mulcaster, M. (2018). Makerspace your Literacy and Numeracy Program [Slideshare]. Retrieved from

Originally published on the author’s blog in 2014 for completion of the MEd, King explores the question “How can teacher-librarians support students and staff in developing essential transliteracy skills?”  Follow King’s reflective journey where she defines transliteracy skills, their importance, supportive strategies, technology integration models, the role of teacher-librarians, and includes many key and unique references.

King, A. (2018, April 1).  Transliteracy and the Teacher-Librarian [Blog post].  Retrieved from

Read Into This is a podcast sponsored by CSL and led by three expert literacy leaders from Ontario who are dedicated educators with a desire to dig deep into reading and learning. The podcast is about books, articles, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, media texts, cookbooks, and everything in between. They explore with their guests, how we read and how what we read makes us who we are and helps us learn about those around us.

Lyons, B., Noble, L., & King, A. (Hosts).  (2020).  Read Into This [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from