Collaborative Engagement: Exemplar F4

Standard: Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower and Community of Learners

Theme: District Administration and District LLC Program Leader Partnerships

Growth Phase: Leading

Growth Indicator: District administration and district LLC program leaders work collaboratively with teacher-librarians to empower teacher research and experimentation with new technologies and learning strategies in the LLC.

A superintendent of schools in Vancouver, British Columbia, writes a page on his blog about the importance of teacher-librarians in leading learning.

Kennedy, Chris. (2011). Culture of yes: My take on librarians.

A superintendent of schools in Vancouver, British Columbia, writes a page on his blog about the more powerful need to embrace new ways of learning along with the excitement of transforming the physical space of a SLLC.

Kennedy, C. (2015, February 12). The Learning Commons Mindset [Web log post].

Central instructional leaders from the Peel District School Board in Ontario outline their online strategy to support learners during the sudden shift to remote learning. Woven throughout their multimedia presentation strategies highlighted include book and coding pairings and choice grids. Collaboration with other district educators led to the rich Bringing the LLC home site with curated collections, book activities, maker material “boards”, and more.

Mulcaster, M. & Zita, T. (2020, June 2). Bringing the LLC Home: Learners in a Pandemic Time. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4 (2). Retrieved from 

The Coordinator for Libraries and Information Services from Richmond School District 38 in Vancouver, British Columbia, provides an overview of how two elementary and two secondary school schools implemented district innovation grants around new BC curriculum and student needs through school library learning commons collaborative projects. The exemplary projects motivate and inspire replication.

Rubio, R. (2020). Innovation Grants: Supporting Professional Learning and Collaborative Inquiry in the Library Learning Commons. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 6 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from .

Canadian School Libraries (CSL) Journal shares this online newsletter presentation from teacher-librarians with the Peel District School Board in Ontario. Included is the episode of the Read Into This podcast embedded into the presentation where they talk about their connection as teacher-librarians within a family of schools, and the joy and support that comes from meeting together as a teacher-librarian collective, sharing four guiding principles they felt spoke to the vision of their spaces.

St. Aubyn, J. & Lyons, B.   (2022, May 18).  Read Into Our LLC Journey.  Canadian School Libraries Journal 6 (2).  Retrieved from