Standard: Facilitating Collaborative Engagement to Cultivate and Empower and Community of Learners
Theme: Partners in Collaborative Learning
Growth Phase: Evolving
Growth Indicator: LLC leadership team and teacher-librarian/LLC teacher work with teachers to design learning experiences to teach collaboration techniques and strategies.

In this “open access” school library site in British Columbia, students have access to online spaces to study and discuss climate change for the Science 10 curriculum. Students learn to work cooperatively and collaboratively using the jig-saw strategy.
Ikeda, L., Leblond, J., Susan Kilpatrick, S., Ferrer, M., Silzer, D.,Comfort,J., & Proskie. J. (2011). Climate change, cause-and-effect; a jigsaw approach. School Libraries Without Boundaries.

This article outlines how “teacher candidates in most universities do not receive information about school library learning commons or the help school library professionals can give them”. This can become an important reason why in many schools teacher-librarians encounter difficulty in engaging teachers in collaborative practice. The author, an experienced teacher-librarian now teaching at a faculty of education, outlines steps he has taken with education students to address this issue; first of all in Ontario and then through a national project.
Harris, G. (2020, June 2). Create Collaborators at Faculties of Education and in Your School Library. Canadian School Libraries Journal 4 (2). Retrieved from create-collaborators-at-faculties-of-education-and-in-your-school-library