Standard: Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Theme: District Administration and District LLC Program Leader Collaborative Role
Growth Phase: Established
Growth Indicator: District administration and library consultants collaborate with other specialist consultants to ensure that all disciplines utilize the LLC.

A provincial professional development consortia (Alberta) offers webinars and videos to explore key aspects of the learning commons led by teacher-librarian specialist consultants.
Alberta Regional Consortia. (2017). Learning Commons: Explore Key Aspects. ARPDC Professional Development Resources.

Langley School District in British Columbia references the lead teacher-librarians took in library to learning commons transition. Included is the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA) “Instructional Role of the Teacher-librarian” graphic from BCTLA: From School Library to Library Learning Commons.
Langley School District. (2015). Library Learning Commons. Retrieved from