Standard: Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Theme: District Administration and District LLC Program Leader Collaborative Role
Growth Phase: Evolving
Growth Indicator: District administration and library consultants collaborate to develop supports to enable LLC transformations for learning success.

This Ontario school district concisely shares the research and information informing their vision for transforming school libraries to LLCs as one of three parts of their 21st century learning initiatives and includes an inspiring video outlining steps taken along with the other initiatives (cloud computing, professional development) to empower 21st century learning in the district.
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB). (2020). 21st Century Learning. Transforming school libraries to Learning Commons.

An Ontario school board “Doorway to Information” example of licensed databases to ensure teacher/student access from anywhere 24/7.
Durham District School Board. (2014). The doorway to information.

The Superintendent of Student Success – Learning Technologies with Ottawa, Ontario Catholic School Board posts a summary of this board’s learning commons transition planning.
D’Amico, Thomas. (2011). Learning commons transformation – 10 steps. 21st Century Learning/Teaching.

Past president of Association Pour La Promotion Des Services Documentaires Scolaires (APSDS) (2018-2020) and current member of Canadian School Libraries (CSL) Provincial School Librarian Liaison Committee, this school librarian relates events and activities of APSDS annual gathering March 25-26, 2021. Included is information about the state of school libraries in Quebec at this time as well as the new Information Literacy Continuum site.
Van Eeckhout, P. (2021, May 12). Training Day Success at APSDS! Canadian School Libraries Journal 5(2). Retrieved from
Van Eeckhout, P. (2021, May 12). Une fête des sciences de l’information scolaire réussie! Canadian School Libraries Journal 5(2). Retrieved from