Standard: Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Theme: Teacher Collaborative Role
Growth Phase: Leading
Growth Indicator: Teachers co-plan with teacher-librarian for school wide learner led approaches to inquiry.

Journalist Boss blogs about how school librarians contribute to project-based learning from an Oregon, USA, Association of School Libraries conference.
Boss, Suzi. (2013). Are school librarians part of your PBL dream team? Edutopia.

An award-winning English teacher from Victoria, BC, writes an inspiring and enthusiastic article detailing the rich learning and support for teachers available through co-planning and teaching with the teacher-librarian. Includes creative illustrations of what the teacher-librarian can do for teachers and the inquiry process.
MacKenzie, T. (2019, March 18). Classroom Inquiry’s Secret Weapon: The Teacher-Librarian. Canadian School Libraries Journal, 3 (1). Retrieved from

In this engaging paper you can read about one school’s successful journey of implementing Phenomenon Based Learning – “real-world phenomena providing the starting point for learning”. Students experience continuous, deep learning and the Ontario author includes an interesting selection of student projects as exemplars. Successes, challenges and steps to implementation are provided.
Harris, G. (2020). Participatory Learning through Phenomenon Based Learning: Moving from the Learning Commons into the Classroom. Paper presented at the Treasure Mountain Canada 6 Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved from