Standard: Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Theme: Teacher Collaborative Role
Growth Phase: Emerging
Growth Indicator: Teachers advocate for the school library to meet the literacy and information needs of all learners.

View this recording of a high school teacher in Quebec who talks about the critical importance of the school library to his practice, his students and ultimately, democracy.
Quebec School Librarian’s Network (QSLiN). (2017, June 26). Libraries and democracy; teachers and librarians working together to open minds [Video file]. Retrieved from

The 2018 Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) education agenda calls for greater student access to specialist teachers such as teacher-librarians as one of eight building blocks for better schools.

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO). (2018). Building Better Schools. Retrieved from

Teacher-librarian and British Columbia Teacher-Librarian Association (BCTLA) Member-at-Large writes about the teacher-librarian role, history of the BCTLA and the professional impact of being part of the BCTLA on the BC Teachers’ Federation news page.
Wallace, N. (2023, March 1). Professional Community Within the BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association. Retrieved from