Standard: Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Theme: Teacher-Librarian Collaborative Role
Growth Phase: Evolving
Growth Indicator: Teacher-librarian/LLC teacher develops short and long range plans for facilities and program growth with the LLC leadership team to facilitate school improvement goals.

Canadian School Libraries (CSL) provides a concise planning chart for transitioning to a school library learning commons that is action oriented and very useful for engaging the school staff in the planning.
Canadian School Libraries (CSL). (2022). Appendix 4: Planning and Leading Transitions. In Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. Retrieved from

Canadian School Libraries (CSL) provides a detailed planning tool with ideas for schools to use to plan strategies for developing a culturally relevant and responsive school library learning commons. Includes planning chart, poster and additional resources.
Canadian School Libraries (CSL). (2022). Culturally Relevant And Responsive SLLC: Planning Tools. Retrieved from

An Ontario teacher-librarian blogs about the process taken (with illustration) of long-range LLC planning.
Lyons, B. (2022, August 25). Long Range Planning as a Teacher Librarian [Blog Post]. Retrieved from